“Would you like to get a well-founded second opinion or simply find out what is causing your back, knee, or neck/shoulder pain before you opt for physiotherapy treatment? Then our webinars are perfect for you.”
We understand that some people may be a bit “uncertain,” nervous, and skeptical about what can be done to alleviate their back, knee, or neck pain... It could be that you're not sure if physical therapy is right for you and are worried whether it's actually going to work for what you have.
It could be that you've already had a bad experience and don't want to make the same mistake again, or maybe you just want to get an informed second opinion on what's best to do...
If that applies to you, then be confident that these education programs are perfect for someone like you. Specifically, Here are the ones who will benefit from it.
“Here's exactly what you can expect when you join one of our webinars.”
First, you'll find yourself in a room full of like-minded people who, just like you, want to find out what can be done once and for all to end their back, knee, or neck pain.
We'll have the opportunity to find out everything about you, your main concerns, and what you'd like to learn.
How to make the best decision to choose the right treatment for your back, knee, or neck pain
The biggest mistake most people make with back, knee, or neck pain — which actually makes the situation worse.
Why you've suffered from pain for so long — and what you can do about it to prevent it from getting worse.
What caused your back, knee or neck pain in the first place — and specific recommendations for action on what you can do about it.
What successful treatment and long-lasting relief looks like without side effects or medications, pills or surgery.
The 4 most common causes of back, knee and neck pain.
And we'll provide you with plenty of refreshments (including cake and as much coffee as you'd like) as you learn.